Stainless Steel 1.85MM Male kanggo 1.85MM Male Adaptor 67GHz
Range Frekuensi: DC-67GHz
VSWR: Max 1.2
Tegangan: 5 0 0 V rms
Konduktor luar: Baja tahan karat
Konduktor batin: BeCu
Isolator: PEI
Microwave Konektor Custom Stainless 1.0MM Male Kanggo 1.0MM Male Adapter110GHz
Range Frekuensi: DC-110GHz
VSWR: Max 1.4
Tegangan: 5 0 0 V rms
Konduktor luar: Baja tahan karat
Konduktor batin: BeCu
Isolator: PEI
Harga Pabrik Konektor Microwave 1.0MM Female To 1.0MM Female Adapter 110GHz
Range Frekuensi: DC-110GHz
VSWR: Max 1.4
Tegangan: 5 0 0 V rms
Konduktor luar: Baja tahan karat
Konduktor batin: BeCu
Isolator: PEI
Harga Pabrik Konektor Microwave 1.0MM Male To 1.0MM Female Adapter 110GHz
Range Frekuensi: DC-110GHz
VSWR: Max 1.4
Tegangan: 5 0 0 V rms
Konduktor luar: Baja tahan karat
Konduktor batin: BeCu
Isolator: PEI
Konektor Kustom Stainless Steel 18GHz N Male To SMA Female Adapter
Range Frekuensi: DC-18GHz
VSWR: Max 1.2
Tegangan: 5 0 0 V rms
Konduktor luar: Baja tahan karat
Konduktor batin: BeCu
Isolator: PEI
Konektor Flange Stainless Steel 4 Lubang 18GHz N Female To SMA Female Adapter
Range Frekuensi: DC-18GHz
VSWR: Max 1.2
Tegangan: 5 0 0 V rms
Konduktor luar: Baja tahan karat
Konduktor batin: BeCu
Isolator: PEI
Stainless Steel Precision RF 18GHz Konektor SMA Female To N Female Adaptor
Range Frekuensi: DC-18GHz
VSWR: Max 1.2
Tegangan: 5 0 0 V rms
Konduktor luar: Baja tahan karat
Konduktor batin: BeCu
Isolator: PEI
Konektor Stainless Steel 18GHz N Female To SMA Female Adapter
Range Frekuensi: DC-18GHz
VSWR: Max 1.2
Tegangan: 5 0 0 V rms
Konduktor luar: Baja tahan karat
Konduktor batin: BeCu
Isolator: PEI
Stainless Steel 18GHz High Frekuensi Konektor SMA Male To SMA Male Adaptor
Range Frekuensi: DC-18GHz
VSWR: Max 1.15
Tegangan: 5 0 0 V rms
Konduktor luar: Baja tahan karat
Konduktor batin: BeCu
Isolator: PEI
Stainless Steel 18GHz SMA Konektor SMA Male To SMA Female Adaptor
Range Frekuensi: DC-18GHz
VSWR: Max 1.15
Tegangan: 5 0 0 V rms
Konduktor luar: Baja tahan karat
Konduktor batin: BeCu
Isolator: PEI
Rega Pabrik 1.85MM Female Kanggo 1.0MM Female Adapter 67GHz
Range Frekuensi: DC-67GHz
VSWR: Max 1.2
Tegangan: 5 0 0 V rms
Konduktor luar: Baja tahan karat
Konduktor batin: BeCu
Isolator: PEI
China Pabrik 1.85MM Male Kanggo 2.92MM Male Adaptor 40GHz
Range Frekuensi: DC-40GHz
VSWR: Max 1.2
Tegangan: 5 0 0 V rms
Konduktor luar: Baja tahan karat
Konduktor batin: BeCu
Isolator: PEI